Friday, February 6, 2009

Leathermouth | Vord Vomit | My chemical romance

No point in hiding from our problems—that doesn’t solve a damn thing. Apparently Frank Iero (My Chemical Romance) feels the same way and when in need of some sort of outlet for his anger and frustration regarding the current state of the world, he formed LeATHERMØUTH along with fellow musician Rob Hughes. Check them out at an in-store performance at Vintage Vinyl on Jan. 27.

LeATHERMØUTH started out as an anonymous creation—one that would never see the light of day—mainly because Iero was embarrassed of the feelings he was letting come to the surface. With a much different sound than his claim-to-fame, MCR, this side project allows Iero to spew out the disgruntled thoughts and opinions that are building up inside of him about the ridiculous shit we all have to live with on a day-to-day basis, the end result being in-your-face, aggressive punk-orientated songs that leave Frank being able to breathe a sigh of relief. After completing , their debut 10-song full-length, Iero shopped it to one label only and in October of 2008 LeATHERMØUTH was signed with Epitaph Records. The album hits store the same day as their show at the Vintage Vinyl store.


chiquistriquis said...

Hi!!, im an MCR fan and i thank you for your blog, i would give you mine, but it is in spanish... thanks, i will follow ur blog!!

Anonymous said...

LOL check out this funny MCR video ad for the venganza vest:

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